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This page displays some of the Frederick Prescott pieces that we've handled over the many years that we've been in business. If you're interested in acquiring or selling a piece similar to one of these, please don't hesitate to let us know.
Fredrick Prescott's childhood experiences have influenced the kinetic animals and landscapes that have become his artistic trademark. Born in Palo Alto in 1949, the oldest son of the chief inventor and owner of the Universal Coin Meter Company, Prescott began working with metal at the age of six. In a playground of band saws, punch presses and metal grinders, he spent countless hours honing the skills he uses to transform metal into art by cutting, bending, and welding. By age twelve, Prescott was enrolled in a watercolor painting class where he immediately developed a passion for color. By both sculpting and painting his artwork, he began his career fascination for bold and colorful metal sculpture.
Since 1974, Prescott has exhibited his work all over the world and created special pieces on commission for both private and corporate collectors, including Walt Disney Co., Porsche, and the Chicago Bulls, among others. Prescott's larger-than-life sculptures have frequently been installed in public parks and venues where people of all ages and backgrounds can enjoy them.
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Current Frederick Prescott Inventory | Recent Frederick Prescott Sales |